As 2007 comes to the end, we decided to go for a short weekend break at a highly recommended Eco Friendly Resort - Rumah Rehat Adeline in Gopeng, Perak. This 'Resort' which we discovered over the Internet looked just like what we are looking for ... a cheap and idyllic place to spend the holiday. This place is in a natural setting, offers only basic amenities and is a 2 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur. At first, I was quite skeptical about staying in a small hut constructed by Orang Asli (local aborigine people) in the deep jungle. Questions such as will there be mosquitoes? Is it safe to sleep in a hut without door and lock? Will I feel too hot since there is no attached air-con? and I was worried that I actually have to share a toilet with others !!!!. (Usual typical City Boy who's been spoiled by 3 - 5 stars hotel).
Anyway, all worries was gone once we reached the front entrance of Adeline's Rest House. The owner Adeline greeted us and quickly made us feel at home. Maybe we were lucky because there were not many groups (only 1) so we had a choice of a nice hut above a stream.
After resting for a while, Adeline invited us for a lunch -buffet style. She cooked all the dishes herself with helpers, of course.

yum yum..
Thoughts of lazing and doing nothing for the afternoon quickly disappeared when Adeline organised activities for us - caving, trekking, waterfalls, body rafting or water rafting ? She asked us excitedly during lunch and because we did not want to look like boring city folks we joined a group going for caving and the waterfalls. Unexpectedly for us, it was a "near death experience" cos we did not know that the trek was going to be an introduction giude to Survivor ! Though the 2 hours of trekking and climbing was difficult but the experience - priceless.
Me trying body rafting
After the afternoon activities, we headed back to the resort with tired body, a twisted ankle and a very hungry stomach. Auntie Adeline once again performed her magic and prepared us a very yummy dinner and BBQ in buffet style.

yum yum..
After dinner, we all adjourned back to our small hut. Surprisingly the surrounding air is cool and with continuous water flowing sound, wind blowing, we quickly fell a sleep at around 10.00pm.
Next morning, we were greeted with this "poster picture of morning sunshine" below, right outside our hut windows:
After our breakfast, we relax a bit around the resort, before we back to our sweet home. Overall I rate this trip 4/5 stars, and we will be back again to this lovely resort.
PS: Throughout our stay on the resort, we are eying this durian (show at picture below), and hope that it will fall, well, our wish was granted, just minutes before we depart, the durain drop, Auntie Adeline quickly takes the durian, and prepare us yummy durain pancake as our farewell gift. Thanks Auntie Adeline.