naughty Winnie take a moment to think for few seconds, and finally
say "Saya Setuju"....
Everything goes into this Blog. I will share my views of current issues, IT project experiences (technical view) , my hobbies and etc into my blog. I will try my best to update it frequently.
Winnie Wong Wai Lin
James Khoo Chen Shiang
follow-by luncheon
I could decide to always spend my weekend with friend for few round of Golf, or I could decide to take 1-2 weekend off with my wife just do nothing or cook dishes together..
A lot of marriage couple are "seen" from outside eye they are marry, but in fact they are marriage individual, again a decision they made..
Luckchai get my message 100% correctly!
After marriage, when everyone back to realities, we people easily takes things for granted, and sooner or later, we start blaming our partner that he/she is not as romantic as before, and surprisingly we will hear the same from our partner, haha but all this can change if we wants to change, again decision,decision, and decisions....
We could decide to give a a simple morning kiss to our love one, before we go to work, a Call to ask how his/her day in the office, a surprise visit to his/her office for lunch, or just simple lying down at Sofa, under a blanket, and watch a good movie together..and soon we will get back the romantic feeling we used to have..
James Khoo, Agony Aunt & Feng Shui Toilet Master
*joke* :op