Thursday, September 22, 2005

Donut Diary - Please take me home

[Me talking to myself at one of Peg Shops in KL. yesterday]

..Wow, look at this puppy (A two months old pug, he is so adorable, I wants to take him

..Wait, stupid, you can't have the puppy, stay in Apartment in which Cats sand Dogs are prohibited.

..but, he is so cute, look at his eye, he is begging me to take him home.

..So, who's going to take care the puppy, what's ur plan to “sneak” the puppy in apartment. It's a huge responsibility to adopt a new pet, you know..

..but, he is so cute!!!! I don't care..I want! I want!


Paid RM200 down payment to the shop owners, I am taking him home this Saturday. Picture on next blog

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